Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Life goes on...

With boring things to do and even more boring people around, i just sit by and listen to MLTR, Daniel Beddingfield and Linkin Park while waiting for the time to tick the 12am. I would then leave the office. Oh, how happy it would be!
I think i'll go to the Shopper's stop tomorrow and buy myself some good novel to read. I guess i have enough money now. I hope so.

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

The life at work

Finally, I am into work. I have been assigned some work to do. I need to prepare a ppt for those who aren't SCJP 1.5. And i forgot, I am now an SCJP 1.5. Ha, ha. That's funny considering how much i really know in Java. I got a 100% in collections framework and that is what is needed extensively for my project.
I am supposed to stay here till late in the night even if there is no need for me to do the same. I don't think i will be given sufficient leaves. I'll have to find ways of getting them. Of course, that is what is experience, isn't it?
I guess so.
The last sunday, i went to Shopper's stop and got myself the best gift i could ever get : A Calvin and Hobbes book. It was 505/- . It is a petty amount considering the immense pleasure i get just by looking at it's cover, let alone reading it. And now I am very proud of myself. I got my favourite Calvin and Hobbes book from my money. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first C&H book i bought. And it is "The days are just packed". Kudos to Bill Watterson for creating such a genius as Calvin and the ever lasting adventures with the best pet tiger Hobbes.
Wow! I just spent two days looking at the cover of the book. I have to go through it tomorrow atleast. Waiting desperately to go home.......................

Thursday, 18 January 2007

My new phone

Finally, i got a cell phone of my own. Thanks to TCS, i've been able to save some money and have a cell phone. It's the Sony Ericsson k750i. Costed me less than what i expected and more features than i require. So, it's good for me. I still have to explore it and probably install newer applications and most importantly, i need to have a SIM. Sounds foolish, isn't it? Yes, but iam going to get a Hutch soon.